Do you feel difficulty while tracking your fleet? Does your delivery partner mislead you by charging extra fuel expenses? Is the thought of smooth last-mile deliveries bothering you? Then, things are going to change now. EV adoption can play an essential role here, and telematics will undoubtedly be an integral part of it.
As the previous decade in technology belonged to mobile phones, the current decade will see huge technological advancements in the mobility space. Connected mobility is going to play an essential role in it. And you can consider telematics as a way for implementing this connected mobility. But why should vehicle telematics be chosen for hyperlocal logistics? Before we tell you the answer to this question, let us explain why the EV ecosystem is better than the IC ecosystem.
How are EVs Better than IC Ecosystem?

Undeniably, electric vehicles are a win-win thing over vehicles with IC engines. Not only are they eco-friendly but also affordable. Kudos to the low fuel cost and fewer tailpipe emissions they produce. Without further ado, let’s explore a few more perks of the EV ecosystem over the IC ecosystem.
- Less maintenance cost
- Can recover braking energy
- Exemptions from permits
- Less GST rate as compared to IC vehicles
How are EVs Better than IC Ecosystem?
Although EV vehicles are a zero-emission and cost-friendly alternative to petrol vehicles, their manufacturers still face several challenges. And one of those hurdles is the lack of charging infrastructure for EVs. Here is why they are adopting telematics.
After integrating telematics into their electric vehicles, they can effortlessly capture, share and store vehicular telemetry data. So, if you are an EV manufacturer, you can monitor your electric vehicle’s battery performance and analyze how long it’s going to last. This judgment on the charging and discharging characteristics of EV batteries will make your EV vehicles more operational. And the credit goes to its improved range and battery life.
Since telematics in electric vehicles has ample benefits, it also plays a pivotal role in a fleet management system. Scroll down to know why.
Why is Telematics in Electric Vehicles a scope for managing fleets?

Telematics in electric vehicles is gradually becoming a scope for an effective fleet management system. The reason behind this is the smooth-delivery operations. Here are a few more functionalities of EV telematics that make them everyone’s first choice while managing fleets, locally or nationally.
Built-in Accelerometer
When detecting suspicious vehicle movements is a challenge during long-haul and short-haul journeys, a built-in accelerometer helps. Indeed, it’s an important aspect of the vehicle telematics dataset for reacting to sudden shock movements. So, you can always track your electric vehicles during accidents and send the required aid quickly. Simultaneously, you can send another conveyance to the location to ensure on-time delivery.
An Integrated Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Another asset of EV Telematics is the integrated global navigation satellite system (GNSS). It keeps your real-time goods secure by determining the exact position of your electric vehicle per hour.
Pre-configured KPI Monitor
Have you ever thought about making your fleet management strategy more effective? It’s possible through pre-configured KPI monitors. This built-in KPI (Key Performance Indicator) monitor provides data related to vehicle incidents, the number of speed violations by the driver, total travel distance, etc. Hence, you can swiftly transform the data into predictive maintenance insights for anticipating problems and future failures.
Swappable Batteries
You never know how long your vehicle’s journey will be. And that’s where swappable batteries come into the role play. It allows you to manage your last-mile deliveries without ever compromising on time and cost.
Effective data-sharing management system with enabled APIs
Fleet telematics gives you an effective data-management system with enabled APIs. You can prevent mistakes and duplication of work with API-integrated software in your tracking platform. Simultaneously, it allows you to save on costs, encourage fleet drivers, and automate manual tasks.
Now, that you know a lot of the operational benefits of vehicle telematics for managing fleets, let’s see how EV telematics is helping businesses in hyper-local logistics.
Why is Telematics in Electric Vehicles a scope for managing fleets?

Have you heard about the 30-minute pizza delivery by Dominos? Now, imagine the impact it will have on their image if they can’t deliver it in 30 minutes. Unarguably, the brand will lose its credibility. EV Telematics helps you to save this reputation. Here are some reasons why telematics in EVs is a boon for hyper-local logistics.
Ensures real-time insight into your fleet management operations
Reduces range anxiety by monitoring the available charge on the EV
Enables effective route management for ensuring on-time deliveries
Benchmarks vehicle utilization to assist you in real-time auditing
Monitors driver behaviours to avoid road accidents and thefts
Delivers end-to-end fleet control, be it in terms of hardware, technology, or whatnot
Why is Telematics in Electric Vehicles a scope for managing fleets?
Telematics is like oxygen to electric vehicles being a backbone for hyperlocal logistics at the same time. Thanks to connected technologies it offers for encouraging a safer and faster delivery. Indeed, it’s making delivery experiences less challenging and more enjoyable.
Are you also feeling range anxiety when it's about delivering your logistics to the local market? Then, you must go for the vehicle telematics solutions with end-to-end control. The experts at Zeliot can help you to get the most suitable EV telematics solutions for your business. Let’s connect!